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Semantic Similarity

open source C++ tool library to calculate semantic similarity between two sentences

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C++ tool library to calculate semantic similarity between two sentences based on method described in paper

"Sentence Similarity Based on Semantic Nets and Corpus Statistics" Yuhua Li et al, 2006.


Boost and Wordnet C API


live test demo page

    SentenceSimilarityLi2006 ss;
    s = ss.compute_similarity("it is a dog", "it is a log");
    s = ss.compute_similarity("it is a dog", "it is a pig");
    "i like that bachelor" vs "i like that unmarrided man" sim:0.386069
    "John is very nice" vs "is John very nice" sim:1
    "I have a pen" vs "where do you live" sim:0.0203516
    "it is a dog" vs "it is a log" sim:0.122288
    "it is a dog" vs "it is a pig" sim:0.442149
    "red alcoholic drink" vs "a bottle of wine" sim:0.105169
    "red alcoholic drink" vs "fresh orange juice" sim:0.0963826
    "red alcoholic drink" vs "an english dictionary" sim:0.0467486
    "it is a dog" vs "that must be your dog" sim:0.720558
    "dogs are animals" vs "they are common pets" sim:0.753427
    "i have a hammer" vs "take some nails" sim:0.0763042
    "canis familiaris are animals" vs "dogs are common pets" sim:0.349904
    "i have a pen" vs "where is ink" sim:0.119264
    "red alcoholic drink" vs "fersh apple juice" sim:0.0762678
    "a glass of cider" vs "a full cup of apple juice" sim:0.534483
    "i have a hammer" vs "take some apples" sim:0.0757834


You will need to download Wordnet3.0/3.1 dictionary


tonyxliu at